Iceland Spar, Chapter Twenty-One: The Harmonica Marching Band Comes Face to Face with its Own Mortality!
Here we have the final chapter of "Iceland Spar." It is indeed zany and also probably the densest, most challenging chapter so far. I shall attempt to do it justice. So the Chums are at Candlebrow. Obviously, where they "would find exactly the mixture of nostalgia and amnesia to provide them a reasonable counterfeit of the Timeless" (406). We shall see them being forced to actually interrogate the nature of their existence, and find that some of the implications of that aren't altogether to their liking. But first, let us talk about "Smegmo," "an artificial substitute for everything in the edible-fat category, including margarine, which many felt wasn't that real to begin with" (407), but which is highly profitable for the school. I suppose that's capitalism for you: make people think that the most hideous-sounding shit imaginable is essential for their lives. Candlebrow, like the prevailing economic order, is built on a purely illuso...